County Council elections in Worcestershire

Group leaders of the Liberal Democrat and Green Party groups at Wychavon District Council have sent the following letter to Jim McMahon MP, Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government) regarding County Council elections in Worcestershire:
Dear Jim McMahon MP
We are writing as group leaders of the Liberal Democrat and Green Party groups at Wychavon District Council. We are writing to you in your capacity as Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government).
Following the publication of the English Devolution White Paper on 16th December 2024, you will have received a letter on 8th January 2025 from the Leader and Chief Executive Officer of Worcestershire County Council. This letter asked to cancel county council elections in May 2025 and start the process of creating a Worcestershire unitary authority.
Worcestershire County councillors have not yet been allowed any public debate on this matter. Nor have Wychavon District councillors.
We would like to make it clear that we do not support postponing the county council elections scheduled for May 2025. This is in part because as government you have indicated this will only happen in priority areas who have clear and agreed plans. This is not the case in Worcestershire, so we cannot be in the first phase of the reforms. While others, including the Conservative leader at Wychavon, have voiced their own views, we have not yet had any debate on this topic at council, nor has there been any consultation with the public.
We also have additional concerns that the county council is not in a position to lead on this task at this stage. Having already asked the government to borrow money to plug the hole in the 2025/26 budget, a £77.2 million deficit they plan to run over the next two years and having no permanent building, the council is clearly lacking the resources and focus to lead a successful transition to a unitary authority. Furthermore, there is clearly disagreement across the county with Worcester City Council already writing to you to contest the view of the Conservatives at Worcestershire County Council.
Our county is diverse and made up of over 600,000 residents across urban, suburban, and rural areas. Any reform of local government in Worcestershire must include full consultation with residents, businesses, elected representatives and stakeholders. This will take time and should include a county council with a full mandate, voted for by the residents. The proposals of the county administration will leave councillors with a potential seven year term, which was never considered in 2021 when they were first elected.
We recognise that the government’s white paper sets a clear direction of travel. But any changes must be carefully considered, transparent, and inclusive, ensuring that all stakeholders have the opportunity to help shape the future governance of Worcestershire.
Our objective is to get this right for the people of Worcestershire. That requires time and dialogue, not rushed decisions without serious consideration of all of the issues.
Kind Regards
Cllr Dan Boatright-Greene
Group Leader, Wychavon Liberal Democrats
Cllr Julie Tucker
Group Leader, Wychavon Green Party